Phoenix's Complete Mosquito Bite Treatment Guide

a mosquito on a blade of grass

Everybody gets bitten by a mosquito sooner or later. It’s such a common occurrence that most of us don’t take the threat seriously. But the truth is that mosquito bites can be incredibly annoying, and knowing how to properly treat mosquito bites in Phoenix can make all the difference. 

What To Know About Mosquitoes

You might not think you need an explanation of how mosquitoes work, but these parasitic pests are more complicated than you may believe. For example, did you know that there are over 3,000 known species of mosquito worldwide? The largest can grow to up to an inch in size while the smallest can measure less than 1/10 of an inch.

Mosquitoes congregate around areas of still, unmoving water. Ponds and swamps are favorite spots, but they are also likely to appear around puddles, buckets of water, and untreated swimming pools. Larvae develop in the water and can’t tolerate currents of streams and rivers.

It’s only female mosquitoes that feed on blood. While males gladly spend their days slurping nectar and sap, females must seek out a blood meal in order to successfully lay their eggs. The nutrition available in blood provides more sustenance than nectar or vegetation can.

How Mosquitoes Bite

So, what exactly happens when a mosquito bites? It’s the product of millions of years of evolution resulting in a painless yet powerful extraction of blood. Mosquitoes have long, tube-like mouthparts called a “proboscis.” The proboscis is sharp like a needle and can easily pierce human skin.

Once the proboscis is inserted into the skin, female mosquitoes use it to slurp up your blood like a straw. At the same time, they inject a small amount of saliva that acts as an anesthetic so you don’t feel the bite. This saliva causes an allergic reaction, resulting in the itching, swelling, and redness that come with mosquito bites. The intensity of this allergic reaction can vary from person to person.

How To Treat Mosquito Bites

Mosquitoes can transmit a variety of serious illnesses from malaria to West Nile virus. However, most mosquito bites cause nothing more than an annoying itch. Without proper treatment, it’s not uncommon for people to scratch too hard and develop secondary infections around their mosquito bites.

Treating mosquito bites is easy with some basic first aid and a trip to your local pharmacy. Try these steps to reduce redness, swelling, and itching:

  • Wash the area of the mosquito bite using soap and clean water.
  • Apply an ice pack or cold compress for at least 10 minutes to reduce swelling and repeat as necessary.
  • Purchase an antihistamine or anti-itch cream at your neighborhood pharmacy and follow the directions specified on the package.
  • Alternatively, try creating a homemade remedy by making a paste of 1 tablespoon baking soda and water and apply to the affected area.

Not all mosquito bites cause serious health emergencies, but all mosquito bites should be taken seriously nonetheless. If you or someone you know experiences headaches, nausea, chills, or other fever-like symptoms following a mosquito bite, seek medical attention immediately. And for more information about how to prevent mosquitoes from infesting your Phoenix property, call the experts at White Knight Pest Control.

Our mosquito control services are designed to get rid of dangerous mosquitoes at the source. We’ll address mosquito breeding areas by treating and eliminating areas of still water. Our expert technicians will use powerful backpack misting to treat the shrubs, hedges, and foliage on your property, leaving residual protection for up to 30 days.  For more information about our mosquito control services in Phoenix, get in touch with us today.