How To Keep Wasps Away From Your Phoenix Yard

Wasp on a glass cup

There are many different kinds of flying insects in the wasp family, including hornets. Most of them are not aggressive, and they are often beneficial to the environment. However, wasp stings and potential allergic reactions to the stings are plenty of reasons not to want them in your yard. Mishandling a wasp presence in your yard is a dangerous endeavor, especially depending on the type of wasp you're dealing with. So, the first step to ridding your property of stinging insects is educating yourself about the most common kinds in Phoenix

Two Kinds of Phoenix Wasps To Watch For

Certain species of wasps are more likely to be aggressive than others, and you can tell these apart by their appearance and the way they make their nests.

Yellow Jacket Wasp:

  • Yellow and black head and face
  • More robust bodies with an extremely narrow waist
  • Fine hairs on the head and back
  • Workers - grow to ⅝ of an inch long
  • Invade old rodent burrows and other hollowed-out places like attics for their nests
  • Eat meat and sweets, so they will probably be present and more likely to sting at outdoor events close to the end of summer
  • Aggressively protective of the nest

The next species of wasp not only looks completely different, but they build their nests themselves and hang out in a variety of different places. There are many different kinds of paper wasps, but here are the basics.

Paper Wasp:

  • Brownish to reddish with yellow markings
  • Triangle-like bodies with a narrow waist
  • Can grow to ¾ of an inch long
  • Build umbrella-shaped paper-like nests from tree branches, porch ceilings, window and door frames, and other places elevated and protected
  • Eat nectar and other insects, including caterpillars and flies
  • Will only sting if threatened; stings are quite painful

Both of these species of stinging insects are not overly aggressive, but they can become so if approached or if food is scarce. The first line of defense against wasps in your yard is prevention.

How To Prevent Wasp Infestations

Making your yard and home less appealing is the number one way to prevent wasps from choosing your hard for their home base. Try these tips to keep them away from your summer parties and avoid painful stings.

  • Remove garbage frequently, and keep cans tightly sealed and away from the house.
  • Clean up spills and don't leave out food.
  • Ensure all windows and doors have working, well-maintained screens.
  • Cover any holes or cracks on the outside of the home with silicon-based caulk. 
  • Fill holes you find that may be abandoned burrows.
  • Avoid planting blue, white, purple, and yellow flowers. Opt instead for spearmint, eucalyptus, thyme, and other strong-smelling plants like lemongrass.

Wasp prevention can go a long way to securing your home from unwanted insects, but sometimes these pests find a way anyway, and dealing with them on your own is never a good idea.

White Knight Pest Control Can Help You Take Back Your Summer Parties

Wasps are likely to leave you alone until you threaten their nests, which is why it is especially dangerous to try to deal with them on your own when they're most likely to hurt you. White Knight Pest Control has safe and effective residential pest control methods to deal with stinging insects to keep everyone safe. Don't resort to dangerous pesticides, trash bags, and baseball bats; call the professionals at White Knight Pest Control so that you can enjoy your time outdoors again.