Why You Shouldn't Try To Get Bed Bugs Out Of Your Denver Home On Your Own

bed bug biting a denver resident

In 2016, U.S. News & World Report dubbed Denver the best place to live in the United States, and the Globalization and World Cities Research Network ranked Denver as a Beta world city. There's little doubt that Denver is one of the most beloved cities in America, full of accolades singing its praises.

Unfortunately, bed bugs have also started to notice just how amazing Denver is. However, if your home comes under bed bug infestation and you try to handle the problem alone, you could be setting yourself up for failure. Do-it-yourself (DIY) methods of bed bug extermination are widespread on the internet, but most are ineffective and can even put you in a worse position than you started.
In this blog, we’ll detail a few key reasons why you shouldn't try to get bed bugs out of your Denver home on your own.

What Are Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are a common indoor pest found all across the United States and throughout the world. These parasites are infamous for sucking blood from warm-blooded hosts, especially humans. 

Bed bugs are flat and oval-shaped, roughly 1/10 of an inch long (about the size of a tick) and their bodies are typically a reddish-brown color. Bed bugs remain active year-round and are difficult to manage as they are always on the move seeking a host to feed on. Due to their quick reproductive cycle, a small infestation can quickly overwhelm your home.

Bed bugs are attracted to hosts based on their body heat, the carbon dioxide they exhale, and various other factors. After finding a host, bed bugs will feed but detach themselves and go into hiding once finished. This tendency to hide is what makes them very difficult to treat. Once they've come into the home, they travel around your home, making them difficult to track. Bed bugs are most commonly found in beds simply because sleeping humans make an easy and appealing target, but can be found in other areas as well.

Problems With DIY Bed Bug Extermination

The internet is rife with DIY bed bug control methods that claim to be effective but are generally anything but. Some of the most common methods include pesticides, inorganic treatments (traps, gel, etc.), and heat treatments. However, despite their popularity, there are numerous issues with these methods. Let's examine just a few of them:

  • Pesticides: Though these are among the most common methods used for bed bug control, bed bugs are often resistant to pesticides (such as sprays), and these pesticides may not be safe for humans or animals. Sprayed indiscriminately by someone other than a trained professional, and they can easily cause more harm than good.
  • Inorganic: Bed bug traps or an amorphous silica gel is a DIY method for controlling bed bugs. However, once a bed bug problem has been spotted, the issue is more than likely already out of control as bed bugs breed rapidly and are expert hiders. This is not a sustainable way to control the large population of bed bugs present once they are noticeable.
  • Heat Treatments: Though heat treatments (such as using heaters or even open oven doors) are sometimes suggested as a bed bug control method, these methods are not only suboptimal at killing bed bugs, but dangerous. Bed bugs burrow deep into fabrics and crevices, which reduces the likelihood of effectiveness. Not to mention, exposing fabric to heat is a fire hazard!

Why Contact The Experts For Bed Bugs In Denver?

If you know or suspect bed bugs have gotten into your home, the first step is to confirm their presence (as they can often be mistaken for other pests, like fleas). This is where the professionals come in.

Are you noticing shed skins, bed bug fecal stains, and bloodstains around your home, or waking up with bites on your skin? If so, contact the Denver pest control experts at White Knight Pest Control right away! We will pair you with our experts to complete a visual inspection. Our skilled technicians can confirm the presence of bed bugs and begin the whole-house treatment process. You'll receive a to-do list, an initial treatment, and a follow-up 10-14 days after the first treatment to ensure that bed bugs are completely exterminated.

White Knight Pest Control plans carry a 30-day guarantee on our bed bug extermination services beginning the day of the first treatment. Should you notice additional signs of bed bugs, please contact us, and we will return to conduct an additional inspection and re-treatment as needed. We're here to make sure you get the most out of your Denver home. Contact us today so that you can return to enjoying your home without having to worry about bed bugs!