The Answers To Salt Lake City's Commonly Asked Tick Questions

a dog tick on a human hand

We here at White Knight Pest Control receive a lot of questions about the various pests that threaten the Salt Lake City area. And while we are asked about all kinds of pests, one of the most commonly asked about is the tick. Given the numerous bloodborne diseases that ticks can transmit, it’s no wonder why. People like to know that they’re protected from these small, blood-sucking pests, which is why we always strive to provide you with the information that you need to limit your exposure to these parasites. Read on for the answers to Salt Lake City’s most commonly asked tick questions.

What Time Of Year Are Ticks The Worst?

Although many people consider the spring and summer to be tick season, the reality is, here in Salt Lake City, ticks are mostly a year-round pest. You may be more exposed to ticks in the warmer months when you are spending more time outside. However, you can still be bitten by a tick at other times of the year.

Do Ticks Jump On You?

Ticks are parasites that are incapable of jumping, however, there is a common misconception that they can. This incorrect notion can most likely be attributed to the fact that fleas, another parasite, can jump quite high. Ticks, on the other hand, hang out on blades of tall grass or brush and wait for potential hosts to pass by. They then latch on to the host, usually without the host ever knowing.

What Should You Do If You Find A Tick On You?

If you find a tick somewhere on your body, the first thing you should do is remove it, being sure that you've removed the head and mouthparts. Then, monitor the bite to see if any rashes or infections appear. Additionally, if you experience any severe aching, nausea, lightheadedness, fevers, or flu-like symptoms, contact medical professionals immediately.

How Do You Know If You’ve Been Bitten By A Tick?

If you think you might have been bitten by a tick, but you didn’t find a tick on your body, you should look for a tick bite. They usually appear as a single small red bump. If you find a tick bite, monitor it for swelling, rashes, or infections. If any of these occur, or if you experience any of the symptoms listed above, contact medical professionals immediately.

How Do You Prevent Ticks From Getting On You?

If you want to limit your exposure to ticks, there are steps you can take to better protect yourself when you venture out in the world and around your own property.
While spending time in the great outdoors, you should:

  • Stick to the centers of hiking trails.
  • Avoid venturing into high grass or brush.
  • Wear long sleeves and pants to cover exposed skin from tick bites. 
  • Inspect your and your pets’ bodies for ticks after returning from outdoor activities.

Additionally, the steps you can take to help keep ticks out of your yard include:

  • Put fencing around any fruit or vegetable gardens to limit tick-carrying wildlife intruders.
  • Pick up any fallen fruits or vegetables from the ground.
  • Pick up any uneaten pet food.
  • Keep outdoor dining areas free of food debris and trash.
  • Keep lawn well-manicured at all times.
  • Trim back any vegetation around your property.

For Answers To More Of Your Tick Questions

If you have any further questions regarding ticks or tick control, we here at White Knight Pest Control would be more than happy to answer them for you. Additionally, we offer a variety of residential pest control plans to help you keep ticks out of your yard all year long. Don’t let ticks keep you from enjoying your property. Give us a call today.