How Dangerous Is It To Have Mice In My Denver, CO Home?

a house mouse crawling through a kitchen

Noticed any holes in your cereal box? Hearing scratches in squeaks in the walls at night? Finding frayed wires and chewed-up belongings? Like thousands of Americans, you probably have mice. Having rodents can make your home life stressful, but just how dangerous is it to have mice in your Denver home?

What You Should Know About House Mice

House mice are some of the most common pests in the United States, infesting homes from coast to coast. You’re likely to see and hear signs of their presence before spotting a house mouse in the flesh, but house mice can be identified by the following features:

  • Dusty gray fur with a white underbelly
  • 2-4 inch body with 3-4 inch tail
  • Pointed snouts, beady eyes, and large ears

Your home gives a house mouse everything it could ever want; after all, there’s a reason they’re called “house” mice. These tiny rodents are dependent on humans for protection, food, and water. While grains and seeds are a staple of their diet, they will raid pantries and cupboards for any available snacks and will quickly take advantage of any unprotected food source. 

Are House Mice Dangerous?

House mice and other rodents are arguably the worst pests that can infest your home. They present a wide range of problems and can be frustratingly difficult to get rid of. They aren’t likely to attack you, but house mice are still dangerous to have on your Denver property.

First and foremost, house mice spread disease. Contact with their droppings can lead to salmonellosis and hantavirus, and inhaling the dust of dried mouse droppings has been known to trigger asthmatic reactions. House mice can also contaminate food and sterile surfaces in your home. Rodents are known to carry parasites like ticks and fleas which present their own host of diseases like Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) and typhus.

House mice are also destructive. As rodents, their teeth continue to grow throughout their lives and must be continuously filed down through relentless gnawing. Mice can chew up paper, wood, heavy plastic, and even brick materials, causing inevitable structural damage and damage to your belongings. In some cases, rodents have even been known to chew through electrical wires and cause fires.

And finally, house mice are a hazard to your mental health. Putting up with these pests isn’t easy. Even if you manage to trap or kill an odd mouse or two, infestations can grow quickly and aren’t so easily eliminated. A single female house mouse can have more than 50 pups per year, giving birth about once every month.

How To Prevent House Mice

Once house mice have infested your home, you’ll have a hard time getting rid of them on your own. But with these proactive prevention tips, you can help reduce the chances of getting mice:

  • Seal entrance points – Inspect the exterior of your home for cracks, holes, and gaps, especially along the foundation. Mice can squeeze through a nickel-sized hole or smaller, so consider even the smallest openings as a doorway for mice. Stuff holes with steel wool or patch with metal mesh.
  • Secure the pantry – Keep perishable pantry foods like crackers, cereal, and cookies stored in sturdy containers with locking lids. A determined mouse can chew through heavy plastic, so metal and glass are best.
  • Clean up often – Ensure that there is no food debris for mice to munch on. Clean floors and counters regularly and be sure to dispose of food waste in trash cans located at least 20 feet from the home.

If you’re having mouse trouble in your Denver home, the most effective way to deal with the problem is with rodent control services from White Knight Pest Control. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you!