The Trick To Keeping Wasps Off Your San Antonio Property

a paper wasp infesttaion in a home garden

Ouch! You got a little too close to that nest on your front porch and now you’re paying the price. How can something so small do something so painful? For anyone unfortunate enough to be stung by a wasp, you know how scary these flying insects can be. You don’t want wasps on your property, especially if you have small kids or pets. Wasps aren’t all bad. In fact, they help maintain an important balance in their ecosystem. But that doesn’t mean you want them in your ecosystem. Here’s what you need to know to prevent wasps in San Antonio.

About Wasps In San Antonio

Wasp species can vary in coloration and size, but can all be recognized by their large compound eyes, cinched waist, a single pair of wings, and a stinger at the end of the body. Wasps can build nests in the ground, under eaves and awnings, in sheds and attics. The brown and yellow-colored paper wasp and yellow and black-patterned yellow jackets are two of the most common species in San Antonio. The wasp family also includes hornets, which are renowned for their ability to control populations of problem insects. 
Despite their reputation for being ornery pests, wasps can actually be helpful bugs to have around. Wasps aren’t quite prolific pollinators like their cousins in the bee family, but they do play an important role in the ecosystem. Wasps prey on a number of problem insects like caterpillars and beetles who destroy crops, as well as ants, spiders, and other small invertebrates. When they reach adulthood, wasps feed on nectar and help to pollinate as they travel from flower to flower, although they aren’t as effective as bees.
But despite the benefits, the fact remains that wasps can pose a danger to you and your family if a large nest is present on your property, especially if you or one of your loved ones is allergic to wasp stings. So how do you keep wasps off your property? Maybe you should call for the expertise of White Knight Pest Control!

Keeping Wasps Off Your Property With Natural Solutions

Maintaining your lawn and garden can have a big impact on the population of wasps on your property. While some plants will attract wasps, others will repel them. Certain sweet-smelling flowers and plants are irresistible to wasps.

Plants That Attract Wasps:

  • Queen Anne’s Lace
  • Sweet Fennel
  • Spearmint

On the other hand, there are plants that wasps absolutely hate and will help to keep them from your property.

Plants That Keep Wasps Away:

  • Wormwood
  • Thyme
  • Basil
  • Lemongrass

If you have the gift of a  green thumb, these are natural ways to control the population of wasps on your property by knowing which plants to grow and which to cut down. But there are also many more practical measures you can take to prevent wasps from shacking up on your property.

Practical Wasps Prevention Tips

  • Make sure that all food waste is disposed of in a secure container with a tight-fitting lid. Open garbage cans will attract wasps in search of food.
  • Make sure that spills of sugary drinks are cleaned up quickly. Wasps will gather around a puddle of soda, juice, or even beer for a sip and ruin your outdoor fun.
  • Patch up holes in window screens to prevent wasps from entering the house.
  • Repair damaged panels or siding where wasps are likely to build their nests.
  • Fill in holes in the ground, solitary wasps seek out small crevices to build nests.

A wasp infestation can be a huge nuisance for you and your family to deal with, perhaps even preventing you from enjoying your time spent out in your yard. For assistance with wasp control and prevention or for the safe removal of an active nest, contact the professionals at White Knight Pest Control. We can help to protect your family from painful stings and recurring wasp problems. Get in touch with us today at White Pest Control to learn about our San Antonio pest control services!