Is It Dangerous To Have Silverfish In My Denver Home?

silver fish gathered on a book

With invasive and destructive pests, it’s natural to have burning questions that you want fast answers to. Unfortunately, the internet provides you with fast answers that aren’t always accurate. When it comes to pests like silverfish, which are less-known than other invasive pests, misinformation is widespread. In the interest of setting the record straight, here are answers to some pressing silverfish questions. 

What Are Silverfish?

Silverfish in Denver are small, foraging insects that like moist environments. They aren’t actually fish. They get their name from their movements that resemble the way aquatic creatures move through water. While they may not actually swim, silverfish do tend to hang out in wet areas. Here are some physical features to help you identify them:

  • Size: Silverfish are generally less than an inch in size, though the longer a population has to grow the larger individual bugs can get. 
  • Color: Silverfish are metallic and shiny in color, hence the "silver" part of their name. They can also be a dull gray, brown, or light tan. Some are even known to be clear. 
  • Shape: Silverfish look like a teardrop from above and they are very flat.

What Problems Do Silverfish Cause?

While silverfish aren’t directly harmful to people and pets, they can still cause big problems on your property. They aren’t known to bite or carry contagious diseases, however, they can chew through fibrous materials in order to obtain keratin, which leads to holes chewed through household fabrics and furniture. Silverfish also forage for food, meaning they can gain access to and contaminate stored foods. As their populations grow, these problems become more and more noticeable.

How Do You Prevent Silverfish?

In order to control pest populations, you have to act on them before they become a problem. This is true for silverfish, which can be difficult to totally eliminate once they’ve moved in. Here are some ways you can avoid an infestation altogether:

  • Food storage: Silverfish can chew through thin packaging or squeeze their way through small openings to contaminate food. Keep yours stored in secure areas and bins, and deep clean regularly. 
  • Trash storage: Our garbage is just as appealing to foraging pests as stored food items. Make sure your bins are securely lidded. 
  • Moisture control: Since silverfish like it damp, certain rooms are beacons for their activity. Bathrooms, kitchens, and basements, to name a few, are all important places to regulate moisture buildup. Do this with ventilation, dehumidifiers, and proper pipe maintenance. 
  • Crack sealing: The above are ways to reduce the things that attract silverfish, but this is crucial for directly keeping them out of your home. Routinely check for and fix any holes or cracks around your exterior, since small insects can easily squeeze through and gain access.

What’s The Best Way To Get Rid Of Silverfish?

They may not be as threatening as other pests but this doesn't mean you want them in your home. The best solution is to partner directly with local pest experts to make sure you’re staying ahead of silverfish problems. At White Knight Pest Control, our friendly staff can give you more helpful tips on how to avoid silverfish on your property. If they’re already a problem, let us act quickly to eliminate the problem before it becomes a costly one. 
For true protection from silverfish and the damage they cause, contact White Knight Pest Control today.